Introducing Tellus

Sardinia and the olive trees

Tellus was born from the idea that great extra virgin olive oil is normally very difficult to find, but you can produce it even if you are not a big company. First step was to look for the right olive trees. Of course we decided to look in Sardinia as two of us come from there. 

By the trees

A lot of work is required to make sure that the tree can produce good olives. Pruning, feeding the soil, watering, checking and protecting, but we really like just to be by the trees!


In May 2016 we have signed off the foundation of Tellus Agro, our agricultural company based in Sassari. Back then we still had the first version of the logo. 

First production - November 2016

In November we have harvested the trees for the first time in the Tellus history. It has been a lot of fun. We also created the final logo, with the help of our friend Francesca. 

First Production

In November we also produced our oil for the first time ever!!!

Our friends

An we are happy to share the production of 2016 with our friends